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Colorado State Flower: Rocky Mountain Columbine

Colorado State Flower Coloring

rocky mountain columbine flower photo

Colorado is such a beautiful state, one that I was lucky to live in for 4 years when I was finishing my Art degree. (B.A. from UCCS.) The Rocky Mountains divide the state. The Eastern part of it is pretty flat, then the mountains soar into the sky and have peaks and canyons and vistas and mesas and streams and incomparable beauty. 

The Rocky Mountain Columbine is the State Flower of Colorado. It has Blue-Violet petals and spurs, a White cup and Yellow center. It is illegal to pick this flower on State lands or even in private gardens unless the owner gives permission. They want to preserve them as they are rare. 

state flower coloring

Order the State Flowers Coloring Book here by clicking on the Photo.